Posts tagged with "#aquafina6869"
21. January 2019
most days I just do me but these days I'm doing we Most days im out on my hustle and grind and I find that most people annoy me and very few are entertaining, or interesting enough to keep my attention for any length of time. I look at these new faces all around and attempt conversation and humor with them...,in hopes that they have the joy,the light, or the fire inside them to carry on laughing with me. I am sadly disappointed , but becoming accustomed to the growing percentage of folks that...
01. January 2019
Defiantly another day at the books! Lazy days during the month I dedicate to emotional connections with friends and future potential clients. This is the start of my blogging life....bear with me, I am new to exposure, but I am an aspiring writer no less, Horney in the A.M Today I wake up most from the warmth of my hands touching my thoughts in my sleep. I must've been dreaming of sunbathing on an open sea of clouds, watching sexy people dance in the distant waterfalls. Playing with myself...